- First of all, turn off the pump and wait until you hear it has fully stopped running.
- Release the pressure from the filter system by opening the air bleed located on the filter lid.
- Close all the filter system valves.
- Remove the clamp that secures the filter lid.
- Remove the filter lid.
- Lift up the pool filter cartridge, and remove it from the filter cartridge housing.
- Replace the old pool filter cartridge with the new pool filter cartridge.
- Make sure that the pool filter cartridge is correctly in position and properly seated.
- Before putting the filter lid back on, make sure that the O-ring and it’s sealing surface are both clean, correctly positioned, and in place.
- Put the filter lid back on.
- Put the filter lid clamp back on.
- Open all the filter system valves.
- Bleed the air from the system.
- Restart the pump.
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Do you want to reduce your pool cleaning time? Read our guide How To Clean A Pool: A Time Saving Guide.

Related Reading:
The Easiest Way to Replace Sand in a Pool Filter
What To Do with Old Pool Filter Sand (Answered!)
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